Sales Funnels

The average click-through rate for Display ads is 0.07%, and the average click-through for Retargeted Display ads is about 0.7%...

Okay, so you have your website set up, you have all your products and services listed and ready to reach the world, and you want to get started, but have no idea how or the best way!

When it comes to Paid Advertising, the biggest mistake a company or marketeer can make, is by being GENERIC.  In order to capture leads or generate sales you may need a sales funnel to guide your customers down once they arrive on your website.

How do you feel if you see an ad on Google for the perfect thing you are looking for…you click on it, and you land on a generic home page?!  Well, I personally always feel quite cheated.  “Why waste my time, why trick me, why advertise falsely?”

On the other side of things, if that was your advert, you’ve just paid for NOTHING.

To get Google on your side, to reach the right people and to get the most for your money, you need a dedicated landing page for each thing that you would like to sell/promote/convert, and get that audience down your funnel! 


...46% of search engine marketing professionals believe retargeting is the most underused online marketing technology

"A big thank you to Sophie who has been helping us with a new website, designing our new logo & stationary and much more... Always quick to respond and happy to explain everything we need to know about social media! Highly recommended 😁"
Theresa Linnell
Lighting Options Ltd

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